“Academic Research Projects on Asia in Finland” -catalogue
The Finnish University Network for Asian Studies annually publishes a research catalogue titled “Academic Research Projects on Asia in Finland”. The aim of the catalogue is to enhance academic networking and to promote partnerships with public and private institutions. The catalogue is published yearly at the Asian Studies Days conferences.
You can download the latest catalogue here:
The catalogue contains information about on-going or recently completed academic research projects on Asia being conducted at Finnish universities and research institutes. The data was collected through an e-mail form that circulated among Asia researchers in Finland during the summer and autumn of 2023. Forthcoming academic publications as well as publications between 2021 and 2023 were also included, while Master’s theses and audio publications were omitted.
The catalogue is updated on demand throughout the year. Please contact Outi Luova ( if you want to be included in the catalogue.
Publications of the Asia Network in the CEAS Insights series
Developing sustainable campus in international cooperation
Tiina Kähkönen and Silja Keva. CEAS Insights 1/2024. Itä-Aasian tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskus, Turun yliopisto
Sustainability is an increasingly important topic in a world with ever-increasing climate and humanitarian crises. With these issues mounting, we will have a growing need for new sustainability experts in the future. Sustainability needs to start from education and the campus itself so that current students can get hands-on experience on how sustainable environments are created. This means that it is crucial that educational organizations focus on creating and developing meaningful sustainability education. The purpose of this report is to assist university teachers and administrative staff in planning and executing high-quality sustainability education and a sustainable campus. Structured as a step-by-step guide, the report starts from sustainable campus life and management and then proceeds to university level commitment in developing sustainability teaching.
Finnish online education cooperation with Asian higher education institutions: recommendations for future projects
Ville Sava. CEAS Insights 1/2022. Itä-Aasian tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskus, Turun yliopisto
The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to rearrange educational programmes in unexpected ways. In order to gauge how Finnish education cooperation projects with Asian partner institutions have met the challenges and identified good practices, a survey was conducted by the Finnish University Network for Asian Studies as part of the Digitree project funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education. This report summarises management and cooperation practices that have worked well, as well as issues that could be improved upon for the benefit of future projects.
Review of large-scale assessments for comparative studies (1) – European and global datasets
Aslihan Özgül. CEAS Insights 2/2022. Itä-Aasian tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskus, Turun yliopisto
The report gives an overview of the most common large-scale assessments in Educational and General Social Science followed by a discussion of their limitations and implications for implementation in one’s own research. The report is part of the Digitree project that is funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education
Review of large-scale assessments for comparative studies – Chinese datasets
Hua Li, Ka Lin and Jia’ai Tian. CEAS Insights 1/2023. Itä-Aasian tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskus, Turun yliopisto
The report gives an overview of the most common Chinese large-scale assessments in Social Sciences followed by a discussion of their limitations and implications for implementation in one’s own research. The report is part of the Digitree project that is funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education
Finnish language reports
Tunne kiinalainen partnerisi (1): Kiinan korkeakoulu- ja tutkimusjärjestelmä
Suvi Kurki, Outi Luova, Ari-Joonas Pitkänen, CEAS Insights 1/2021. Itä-Aasian tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskus, Turun yliopisto
Kiinan merkitys korkeakoulujen kansainvälisessä yhteistyössä on vahvistunut vuosi vuodelta, mutta Kiinan korkeakoulujärjestelmän tuntemus on Suomessa vielä varsin pinnallista. Kiinan kanssa yhteistyötä suunnitellessa ja tehtäessä on hyvä tietää partnerin asema korkeakoulu- ja tutkimusjärjestelmässä: sen taso, rahoituslähteet ja hallinnollinen asema. Myös korkeakoulujen hallinto- ja ohjausjärjestelmässä on paljon erityispiirteitä, joista on hyvä olla tietoinen. Tämän tekstin tarkoituksena on tarjota taustatietoa kiinalaisista yliopistoista yhteistyön suunnittelun tueksi.
Tunne kiinalainen partnerisi (2): Kiinan korkeakoulujen ohjausjärjestelmä
Outi Luova, CEAS Insights 3/2021. Itä-Aasian tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskus, Turun yliopisto
Kiinan korkeakoulujen ohjausjärjestelmässä on paljon erityispiirteitä, joista on hyvä olla tietoinen kun korkeakoulujen kanssa suunnittelee ja tekee yhteistyötä. Tämän tekstin tarkoituksena on tarjota tiiviisti taustatietoa siitä, miten valtio ja kommunistinen puolue ohjaavat Kiinan korkeakoulujen toimintaa.
The Asia Network has initiated and partially financed the publication of the following books, in order to strengthen the basic knowledge of Asia in Finland.
Etelä-Aasian yhteiskunta, kulttuuri ja politiikka. Intia, Pakistan ja Bangladesh. Toim. Mikko Autere ja Hanna Mannila, 2022.
Kaakkois-Aasia. Talous, ympäristö ja yhteiskunta. Toim. Erja Kettunen, 2019. Gaudemaus.