The Master’s Award is presented to the author of an outstanding master’s thesis that focuses on Asia.
The prize sum is 1,000 euro. The Master’s Award in Asian Studies will be announced on December 16th, 2016.
With this award, the Finnish University Network for Asian Studies as the donor of the award hopes to encourage young scholars to pursue excellence in their studies.
Selection criteria:
The thesis has been approved during the period 1.9.2015-31.10.2016 at an Asia Network member university, as a master’s level thesis included in a degree (Member universities: Aalto, Jyväskylä, Lappeenranta, Oulu, Tampere, Turku, Vaasa, Åbo)
The grade is at least magna cum laude or higher, or at least 4 if the work has been graded on a scale of 1-5
The work can be from any discipline, but it should clearly focus on Asia and present new information about one or several Asian countries. The following aspects are emphasized in the selection: academic excellence and importance of obtained results for Asian studies.
The selection is made by Professor emeritus Olavi Fält.
Submission guidelines:
The application deadline is the 13th of November 2016.
To apply for the 2016 award, send the following documents in PDF format to
Required attachments:
– Copy of master’s thesis
– Copy of examiners’ statement of the thesis (tarkastajan lausunto gradusta)
– A cover letter (max one A4 page) including your contact details and describing the relevance of your thesis to Asian studies. The cover letter can be written in Finnish, English or Swedish.
The submitted materials will not be returned.
Director of the Asia Network, Outi Luova at, or tel 02 9450 3058.