Doctoral Seminar on Asian studies in August in Jyväskylä 26.8.2016
In connection with the Asian Studies Days, a doctoral training seminar will be organized on August 26 at the University of Jyväskylä. The special theme of the seminar is “How to write a successful grant application”.
The seminar will have two sessions: in the first session “grant experts” and participants comment research plans and in the second sessions research papers will be discussed.
The doctoral training seminar is open to all PhD candidates in Finnish Universities who write their thesis about Asia (society, politics, economy, business, culture, history, law). PhD candidates are encouraged to participate either with a research plan or with a full research paper.
Please submit your abstract by April 29th using this form

– April 29, deadline of abstract submissions
– By the end of May, notification of acceptance
– August 15, deadline of the final papers
The Network will provide free accommodation and a small travel grant for PhD candidates who present a research paper or research plan, and who are registered in the Network’s members universities. Member universities are: Aalto, Jyväskylä, Lappeenranta, Oulu, Tampere, Turku, Vaasa, Åbo Akademi.