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Finnish University Network for Asian Studies

Finnish University Network for Asian Studies

 is the main platform and contact point
for Asian Studies in Finland.

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“I love to study and experience something new, especially if it is dynamic and exciting. I was engrossed in this course and was even sad that the course ended so quickly.”

 “…This is a valuable and enjoyable course with extensive information, and most importantly, completely exciting.”

“… I’ve found these Asian courses to be really beneficial in my work [industrial management and engineering], because there’s quite a many big players from Asia to cope with.”

“For me, Asianet online courses were the highlight of the year, well-organised online courses and knowledgeable teachers. I would love to take more Asian studies!”

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Stay up-to-date by joining the Asianet Mailing List!

The Asianet Mailing List is Finland’s most comprehensive source on Asia-related
teaching, research, events, job openings, grants and publications.

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Our Partners:

Asia Briefing
Asia Briefing is the editorial subsidiary of Dezan Shira & Associates,
a multi-disciplinary professional services firm for international businesses
looking to enter and expand their operations in Asia.
Through this partnership, the Asia Network can offer its students exclusive access to
Asia Briefing’s professional up-to-date publications on various aspects of the rapidly evolving operational environment in Asia.


Banner Photo: Hugo Heimendinger at Pexels